Another Mother's Day has passed without you being here. I wish I could tell you how much you are loved and missed. I miss you so much and life without you just isn't the same xx
6th March 2016
I wish you were still here mum. I miss you so very much. Life is just not the same without you. It someways it's wonderful.with having Savannah but in other ways it just makes it even harder knowing what a wonderful nan you would have been to her and no doubt she'd of loved you as much as me. But without you the families fell apart and I feel like a stranger most of the time and that loss is just as painful as losing you.
Anthony Pugh
12th November 2015
I can't believe it's been 9 years. Sometimes it seems a lifetime ago you were here and other times it's like I spoke to you last week. I still find my self wanting to call you or thinking I must tell you when Savannah does something new or funny.
Anthony Pugh
18th February 2015